Multipole system design
The MULTIPOLE family of software is used for the simulation and design of whole columns containing multipole lenses and deflectors. Upgrade modules provide optimisation and tolerancing functionality.
Multipole column design.
MULTIPOLE simulates the optical properties and aberrations of systems containing combinations of round lenses, multipole lenses and deflectors for aberrations up to 3rd-order.
Purchase Options: Base Package, Requires SOFEM Field and 3D Field
Multipole column optimisation.
The MULTIPOLE-REFINE module takes the initial design of the column, and interactively refines it to optimise the performance. An electron beam column contains many design parameters that can be varied and there are numerous aberrations which each depend on the variable parameters.
MULTIPOLE-REFINE allows the user to choose which design parameter to vary and which aberration to target. The program then runs several optimisation cycles and generally yields designs with better properties than those obtained through trial and error.
Purchase Options: Upgrade from MULTIPOLE
Multipole system tolerancing.
Real columns suffer from asymmetry errors caused by small mechanical imperfections during construction and alignment. Using the MULTIPOLE-TOLERANCE software the user can compute the perturbation fields and aberrations due to tilts, misalignments and ellipticities in the electrodes, to ensure that the system will perform in accordance with its design specifications.
Purchase Options: Upgrade from MULTIPOLE